Parent Teacher Fellowship

Novi Christian Academy believes in the value of parent involvement in their child’s education.

Research shows that when parents are involved at school and with their students at home, student academic performance and self-esteem improve!

Ways in which parents may become involved are: classroom helper, field trip chaperone, party planner, special event helper, service project coordinator, photographer, coach, project judge/observer, special topic presenter, PTF board member, etc…there are many opportunities! Emails will be sent throughout the year to request volunteers. Just reply!

Parent Involvement

Parental involvement and support of our school is a very important aspect of your child’s education. Novi Christian Academy asks each family to serve twenty Family Service Hours each year, (ten for single parent families).


The PTF also promotes service in our students and parents. Both groups have logged hundreds of hours of service this year in outreaches to the neighborhood, county, and our service men and women. By supporting the PTF, Novi Christian Academy is stronger and the lives of the students, parents, and staff are enriched.

Continuing Education/Parent Meetings

Our continuing education for parents is the way for parents to stay involved with what is happening around Novi Christian Academy. Continuing Education hours include, but limited to, attending elementary and MS/HS orientations, parent teacher conferences, class meeting, athletic parent meetings, and Collaborating Over Coffee meetings (opportunities for you to talk with the administration).